Gifts From Queen Isis mp3 (updated)



Gifts From Queen ISIS MP3 download
This CD was brought to you by the energy of Queen ISIS. Pina Di Ghionno is a Channel for all aspects of Queen/Goddess and High Priestess ISIS, Mother Mary and Quan Yin. The energy behind this CD is to open your  heart and unlock and clear,  from your soul memory, that which is slowing you down. The Songs are bringing in the higher vibrational sounds and light from the outer dimensions of our galaxy to assist you on your life journey. The Songs anchor in the balance of Yin and Yang and unlock the goddess within you, whether you are male or female.  We all need the balance to become one. The three tracks at the end of this CD will help you create a goddess awakening routine with which you can gently dance to daily. This whole CD  will assist in unlocking the freedom within you.